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        Investment Guide

        Key Nodes in Chongqing Western Logistics Park


        Chongqing Railway Port 

        Situated in Tuanjie Village, Shapingba District, Chongqing Railway Port was put into use temporarily with the approval of National Port Administrative Office on Dec. 25, 2013. A port operation area of 500,000 square meters and a comprehensive bonded area of 3 square kilometers are planned to be built in Chongqing Railway Port. The Port operation area consists mainly of common foreign-trade cargo zone, finished vehicle and other designated operation zones, test & repair zone, customs supervision warehouse & storage zone, bonded exhibition & trade zone, supporting service zone etc.

        Chongqing Finished Vehicle Import Port

        Chongqing Finished Vehicle Import Port consists of railway lines, transport corridors and supervision places. This port occupies a total floor area of more than 15,000 square meters. The office area has a floor area of 2,031 square meters and the inspection portal occupies an area of about 372 square meters.


        The Port was well-equipped with facilities as a freight inspection portal with two-way 6 lanes, e-railings, e-wagon balances, e-monitoring equipment, machine room and 1,650-meter-long wire fencing. The Port also has inspection waiting area, parking area of qualified vehicles, parking area of un-qualified vehicles, test track, installation and debugging of detection line, internal road, inspection place, vehicle storage yard, container storage yard, quarantine treatment zone, installation of internal flags, marked lines and labels, houses for management purpose such as confiscated and detained goods warehouse, inspection platform and vehicle inspection line warehouse.

        By December 2015, Chongqing Vehicle Import Port has had 31 batches of vehicles cleared by the Customs and imported 374 vehicles covering five brands among the eight mainstream brands in Europe, namely, Benz, BMW, VW, Land Rover, Peugeot Citroen, ranking the 1st in terms of the number of imported vehicles among the new batch of vehicle ports in China.

        Central Railway Container Terminal in Tuanjie Village

        Located in Tuzhu Town, Shapingba District, Chongqing, the Central Railway Container Terminal is one of eighteen large-scale container terminals set out in the 11th Five-Year Plan on railway construction. It provides easy connectivity with highways, such as Chongqing-Suining, Chengdu-Chongqing, and Chongqing-Guiyang highways. 

        It covers an area of 1.436 million square meters, stretching 900 meters from north to south and 1,600 meters from east to west including 600,400 square meters of container pool, and its investment totaled CNY 440 million. The central terminal adopts horizontal all-through layout, and is capable of handling 1,500,000 TEU per year in the long term.

        Chongqing Railway Container Central Terminal is one of the most advanced terminals of railway container in China in terms of railway freight equipment, facilities and information equipment. Its cargo handling capacity is expected to increase by over 10% each year.

        So far, the central terminal has opened Jiangcun, Putian, Pinghunan, Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe, Chongqing-Shanghai railway lines and carried out services such as cargo storage supervised by the Customs, shipper own container storage, container stuffing & unstuffing in the terminal, loading and securing of container goods etc.

        Chongqing Xinglongchang Train Marshalling Yard

        Xinglongchang Train Marshalling Yard is located in Huilongba town, Shapingba district, Chongqing municipality. It covers an area of over 3.467 million square meters. The yard, which consists of seven two-way tandem third-class sub-yards, is designed to be a top class station and is one of the all railway network marshalling yards.

        It serves as the joining point of six railway lines, namely Xiangyang-Chongqing, Lanzhou-Chongqing, Chongqing-Huaihua, Sichuan-Guizhou, Chengdu-Chongqing, Chengdu-Shuining-Chongqing railways extending in six directions. It undertakes the arrival, disassembly, marshalling and departure operations of freight trains (except container trains) in all directions and exchange trains at the hub of Chongqing.

           Xinglongchang Train Marshalling Yard, one of the national railway network marshalling yards, is the largest-scale train marshalling yard in Southwest China with the most comprehensive facilities and most advanced functions. By December 2015, there had been 67,000 shifts assembled and 2.78 million shifts dispatched here. Upon full completion, the yard can handle 25,000 trains each day, which will be five times that of Chongqing West Train Marshalling Yard.